Processamento de Imagem e Visão 

Project 1 Calibrate the Kinect


In this project you should do a matlab function that computes the intrinsic and extrinsic parameters of  both kinect's cameras (depth and rgb). The calibration procedure receives images from the kinect (depth, infrared and rgb) , 3D point coordinates (X,Y,Z) and image coordinates of one object. It should return the camera parameters as well as mappings between both images.

The input data

"depth" image 

Infrared image IR

 Color image  RGB
Input data is formed by 3 image arrays and 3 coordinate arrays
depth[i][j]  480x640  array of  unsigned integers (32 bits) with values between 0-2047 (values of 2047 indicate "invalid measurement" and should not be used. You can discard or interpolate!).Pixels in the last column(s) (depth(:,640) are unreliable).
IR[i][j] 480x640 array of unsigned int (8 bits) with values ranging from 0-255. It is an infrared image (gray scale matlab image!) from the same camera as the depth image. In other words, depth and IR superimpose all pixels
rgb[m,n,k]  480x640x3 array of  unsigned int (8 bits) with values ranging from 0-255. It is a regular color image captured from the second kinect camera
xyz Nx3 array of doubles - the 3D coordinates of points from a known object in a particular (arbitrary) reference frame
xy-ir Nx2 array of doubles - the 2D  image coordinates corresponding to the 3D points. [xy-ir(K,1) xy-ir(K,2)]  is the image location of point K with 3D coordinates [xyz(K,1) xyz(K,2) xyz(K,3)].
xy-rgb the same as xy-ir but for the rgb image
params  a 2x1 array with depth camera  parameters: params(1) = alfa, params(2)= beta. Remember Z_i = 1/(alfa *d_i +beta) but Z_i must be in depth-camera reference frame (not in object reference frame).
 the yellow data is independent from the green data ! The yellow data is obtained from the KINECT. The green data is obtained from a calibration object! In other words you do not have depth values d_i for calibration points xyz_i (see figure with lego below). 

xyz, xy-ir and xy-rgb may contain outliers!


  the matlab funcition must return the following variables
d_cam is a structure that contains the camera parameters:
d_cam.K -> a 3x3 matrix
representing the depth camera parameters (K-intrinsics ) - Extrinsic parameters are assumed K[I|0].
d_cam.alfa  -> double with the estimated value for alfa.
d_cam.beta -> double with the estimated value for beta
rgb_cam  is a structure with the rgb camera parameters (K, R, t ). Extrinsic parameters are relative to the depth camera:
rgb_cam.K - a 3x3 matrix with the rgb camera intrinsic parameters
rgb_cam.R - A rotation matrix representing the rotation from depth_camera -> rgb camera,
rgb_cam.t - A translation vector representing the translation from depth camera -> rgb camera.
Notice the change: R and T are such that:

d_xyz is a matrix of 307200 x 3 elements where d_xyz(k,:) are the X,Y,Z coordinates of each point of the depth image depth(i,j)
note that [k= (j-1)*480 + j] 
rgb2depth a 480x640x3 array (image) of unsigned int (uint8) where rgb2depth(i,j,:) contain the correspondent RGB value for each pixel of the depth image depth(i,j). see example below. values outside bounds should be 0 (some pixels of the depth image map outside the rrgb image).
Extra credit  A bonus will be awarded for optional parameters in d_cam    d_cam.alfa and d_cam.beta, the "depth parameters" 
To understand how it works,if
depth= rgb=
rgb_cam= typing the matlab command:


should produce the 3D graphics

notice that this kinect was poorly calibrated since the image of the book is mapped on the flloor ! That is how I'm going to check if your software works well :-)
try it : data here (matlab.mat)
You must submit a file called pivproject1.m where the first line is:

[d_cam, rgb_cam, d_xyz, rgb2depth]=pivproject1(depth,IR,rgb,xyz,xy-ir,xy-rgb,params)

All other functions must be include in the file. You only submit one single file!

You can find here one set of data but you are encouraged to acquire your own set of data so that you get familiar with the kinect. Request one of the 10 available take-home KINECT's, plan an experiment and collect your own data.

The merit will be based on performance (least error). Therefore you are encouraged to use any technique or method that enables you to collect more data from the images in order to increase precision. You can use any software you wish as long as you include one single matlab file (NO SCRIPTS, ONLY FUNCTIONS)!

Consider also that several datasets -input data - can be supplied (a sequence of images instead of one single triple -depth,ir,rgb). This will be implemented using cell arrays  (ex : depth_cell={depth1(:,:),depth2(:,). ....}. We will talk about this in the lab!
This is  really a bad dataset :-) FILES HERE - Request one KINECT and build your own dataset!

Dimensions of the unit block. The small white area is 2 blocks wide and the black block is 3 wide x2 tall
Synthetic Dataset - 3d points generated randomly. Check if you can compute K,R and t zip