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I want to get a picture of streetview (stating latitude and longitude) and display in a dialog, is this possible?

I saw some examples here, but not found one that show me how to display the image in dialog.

Sorry if already exists this question in the site, but I not found when I search.

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1 Answer

up vote 1 down vote accepted

Yes you can,

as a URL root you can use this one or

and this is a example where you use above mentioned URL by providing location:,-118.240673&it=all

The result should be:

     <data_properties image_width="13312" image_height="6656" tile_width="512" tile_height="512" pano_id="70o9Pukc2KSjO-PfeHussw" scene="1" imagery_type="2" level_id="ffffffffb3840000" num_zoom_levels="5" lat="34.058620" lng="-118.240693" original_lat="34.058620" original_lng="-118.240693" best_view_direction_deg="109.819">
    <copyright>© 2013 Google</copyright>
<projection_properties projection_type="spherical" pano_yaw_deg="93.25" tilt_yaw_deg="-180" tilt_pitch_deg="0"/>
   <link yaw_deg="252.58" pano_id="qciD6ogWmkxiq4p3OaprjA" road_argb="0x80fdf872" scene="1">
     <link yaw_deg="38.52" pano_id="lqiWuIrIXa_86In3RRxB1w" road_argb="0x80fdf872" scene="1">
   <level level_id="ffffffffb3840000" pano_id="70o9Pukc2KSjO-PfeHussw" ordinal="0">

From XML you fetch pano_id, (in my case pano_id="70o9Pukc2KSjO-PfeHussw")

and after you can extract image based on pano_id:

Other way to get XML from,34.7613

to load Image from URL, there is a lot options:


public static Drawable LoadImageFromWebOperations(String url) {
try {
    InputStream is = (InputStream) new URL(url).getContent();
    Drawable d = Drawable.createFromStream(is, "src name");
    return d;
} catch (Exception e) {
    return null;

or to Bitmap:

 try {
  ImageView i = (ImageView)findViewById(;
   Bitmap bitmap = BitmapFactory.decodeStream((InputStream)new URL(imageUrl).getContent());
  } catch (MalformedURLException e) {
  } catch (IOException e) {

Hope it will help you,

share|improve this answer
Thanks a lot, just more one doubt: How I use de result of the link that show the image? How I get this value? One byte[] data type? –  user1352652 Sep 25 at 6:10
see my edit, just google it –  Maxim Shoustin Sep 25 at 6:14
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