Processamento de Imagem e Visão (Fall 2015)


Please note:The main goal of the project is to expose students to a moderately difficult "open" problem involving 2D and/or 3D signal processing. We encourage students to exploit to the widest extent possible all sources of information/representations (RGB images, depth images, 3D point clouds and their time varying characteristics).

This is to say that we focus on the processing aspects rather than the programming or specific implementation of the solution (no real time requirements or "elegant" code).

You may pick one of the following problems:

1 - 3D scene "scanning"  with the Kinect

Consider a robot moving in an indoor scene, e.g. a factory or a museum, or a person moving with a hand-held device. We wish to build a 3D model of the scene and to track the robot trajectory in the scene using its sensors. This problem is known as the Self-localization and mapping (SLAM) problem.

Figure 1 – 3D reconstruction of a scene


The SLAM problem can be solved in many ways, depending on the type of sensors available in the robot. In this project, we assume that the robot is equipped with a Kinect sensor which includes a depth camera and a color camera. These cameras provide two images (depth and a color images) that have the same resolution and are aligned. This means that the Kinect provides the depth and color associated to each pixel (a cloud of 3D points and their colors).

Pose estimation and spatial integration

The Kinect sensor provides a local representation of the environment (cloud of 3D points) but this is not enough to reconstruct the scene from a single view since only local information is available. Therefore, we need to gather information from multiple views that has to be aligned and fused into a single 3D model of the scene. This can be done assuming that the robot (and the Kinect) moves along a trajectory and acquires data at different positions and orientations.

In each position, we need to compute the Kinect pose (position and orientation) with respect to the scene coordinates. After computing the Kinect pose, we need to fuse the 3D cloud of points obtained at the current position with the information obtained at previous acquisitions.

So, given a sequence of depth+rgb images the main tasks to accomplish are:

 1 - Find the correspondence between  point clouds. This can be done either by registering 3D point clouds (using only depth images) or by using the rgb images to find point correspondences (feature matching).
2 - Given pairs of (3D) corresponding points in two images,  compute the  tranformation between them (Rotation+Translation)
3 - Given transformations between pairs of  images, propagate  these transformations until  you  have all  point clouds in one single reference frame
4 - Filter the final point cloud (to look good)

Details will be supplied in the lab sessions. Later on we will specify the

Some datasets

OTHER DATASETS:     Instrinsic parameters for this dataset:

Userfullness of this project : You will do a rookie project tango ! Imagine what can you do when they finally put these technologies out (soon!).


your code must have one main  file named imagematching.m  as follows(you may have more files with other functions):
function [pcloud, transforms]=imagematching( image_names, depth_cam, rgb_cam, Rdtrgb,Tdtrgb)


image_names - an array of structures with the names of the images. Each element of the array is a structure
 image_name(k).depth - a string with the path of the .mat file with depth data of image k.
 image_name(k).rgb - a string with the path of a jpeg/png file with rgb image k

depth_cam - A structure with the intrinsic parameters of the depth camera
depth_cam.K - a 3x3 matrix with the intrinsic parameters
depth_cam.DistCoef - a 1x5 array with the lens distortion coeficients (you do not need to use these)

rgb_cam - A structure with the intrinsic parameters of the rgb camera
rgb_cam.K - a 3x3 matrix with the intrinsic parameters
rgb_cam.DistCoef - a 1x5 array with the lens distortion coeficients

Rdtrgb - a 3x3 rotation matrix
Tdrgb - a 3x1 vector
Rdtrgb and Tdrgb allow  transforming 3D coordinates represented in the depth camera  reference frame to the RGB camera frame


pcloud -  [Xi Yi Zi Ri Gi Bi] - One  N x 6 matrix with the 3D points and RGB data of each point,  represented in the world reference frame (you choose the reference frame! For example, could be  the depth camera coordinate system of the first image).

transforms - an array of structures with the same size of image_name where each element contains the transformation between the depth camera reference frame and the world reference frame (as selected above) for image k.
the fields are the following:
transforms(k).R - The rotation matrix between depth camera and world for image k
transforms(k).T - The translation vector between depth camera and world for image k

DATASETS datasets

  2- Object Tracking in a static (fixed) kinect

The goal is to detect and track objects (mostly people) in a sequence of depth+rgb images of a fixed kinect. So, imagine you have a kinect in the elevator lobby of Torre Norte and we want to know how many people passed and their trajectory along time. Just to give you a glimpse check this video.

The main tasks are:
1 - detect the ground plane to locate the kinect relative to a "gravity" minded reference frame.
2 - detect moving objects in each image
3 - determine the correspondence between objects in the current image and the objects detected in the previous image
4 - compute the location of the object (you must define one particular point or shape that represents the object - top point, a box ...anything!).

OPTION (which we encourage to do :-)

Find an application to this system and develop a concept (software!). Suggestions will be given in the lab...

Voluntary work
- We are open to a small number of groups (1, 2) that wish to help us mount the kinect and acquire data. Please contact either Prof.


your code must have one main file named peopletracking.m  as follows (you may have more files with other functions):
function tracked_objs=peopletracking( file_names, depth_cam, rgb_cam, Rdtrgb,Tdtrgb)


file_names - an array of structures of size F (number of images) with the names of the files. Each element, say k, of the array is a structure
  file_name(k).depth - a string with the path of the .mat file with depth data of instant k. Depth image is obtained by loading this file that contains a variable depth_array with the depth image
  file_name(k).rgb - a string with the path of a jpeg/png file with rgb instant  k

depth_cam - A structure with the intrinsic parameters of the depth camera
depth_cam.K - a 3x3 matrix with the intrinsic parameters
depth_cam.DistCoef - a 1x5 array with the lens distortion coeficients (you do not need to use these)

rgb_cam - A structure with the intrinsic parameters of the rgb camera
rgb_cam.K - a 3x3 matrix with the intrinsic parameters
rgb_cam.DistCoef - a 1x5 array with the lens distortion coeficients

Rdtrgb - a 3x3 rotation matrix
Tdrgb - a 3x1 vector
Rdtrgb and Tdrgb allow  transforming 3D coordinates represented in the depth camera  reference frame to the RGB camera frame


tracked_objs -  a cell array of  size N (number of objects detected) where each element i has the following form:
tracked_objs{i}= array of size L_i x 4 . L_i is the number of images where object  i is visible. Each row of the array  represents the position of object i at each time instant. Suppose object 4 appeared in frame 25 and you tracked it until frame 45. Then
                              X     Y   Z   t
tracked_objs{4}=[X1, Y1, Z1 25;
                                 ...... .........
                              X20,Y20,Z20,45];   in total 21 rows

XYZ is the position of the object (person!) relative to the ground. In other words assuming there is a ground plane, XY will represent the position of the person in the ground. Variable Z could be 0 (just represent the postion in the plane) or any value you choose to represent the object (e.g. the top coordinate of the object or the coordinte of its centroid...).  The last column represents the  image  number  where the object  was  located.