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João P. Costeira |
Nuno Pinho |
Manuel Marques |
Rosário Salema |
João Monteiro |
David Lowe |
Manuela Veloso |
Gustavo Carneiro |
Alessio Del Bue |
Ricardo Cabral |
Duarte Lázaro |
Hans Brandhorst |
Benito N. Prieto |
Susana Brandão |
>click on the pictures for more information |
JOÃO PAULO COSTEIRA is an Associate Professor in the Electrical and Computer Engineering Department at Instituto Superior Tecnico (IST).
He is also a researcher at the Instituto de Sistemas e Robótica (ISR) in the area of computer vision with special interests on 3D reconstruction from video, image matching and recognition. He coordinates a thematic area in the ISR-Laboratório Associado which focus on the development of algorithms for signal and image processing.
He was a visiting scientist at the Vision and Autonomous Systems Center, Carnegie Mellon University from 1992-1995.
He obtained his PhD at IST in 1995 (Adv. J. Sentieiro and Takeo Kanade), MSc (1989) and BSc (1985).
NUNO PINHO DA SILVA is an invited assistant professor of the DEETC at the Lisbon Superior Engeneering Institute of the Polythenic Institute of Lisbon and a researcher of the Institute for Systems and Robotics at the Instituto Superior Técnico (IST) in Lisbon.
Previously, he was an Assistant Professor of the DSI at the College of Business Administration of the Polythecnic Instiute of Setubal. He received his PhD in 2010 at the IST, under the supervision of Prof. João Paulo Costeira.
MANUEL MARQUES received the Licenciatura degree and the MSc degree in electrical and computer engineering from Instituto Superior Técnico in 2005 and 2007, respectively.
He is currently working toward the PhD degree at Instituto de Sistemas e Robótica.
His research focuses on 3D reconstruction and object recognition.
GUSTAVO CARNEIRO is currently a Marie Curie International Incoming Fellow (IIF) working for the Institute for Systems and Robotics at the Instituto Superior Técnico (IST) in Lisbon, Portugal.
Prior to that, he worked as a visiting assistant professor within the the Carnegie Mellon University-Portugal program (CMU-Portugal) at the IST, Lisbon, Portugal.
Previously, he was a research scientist of the Integrated Data Systems Department (headed by Dr. Dorin Comaniciu) at Siemens Corporate Research. He also worked as an NSERC Post-doctoral Fellow at the Laboratory of Computational Intelligence, Computer Science Department, University of British Columbia, with Professor David Lowe.
Before that, he worked as a Post-doctoral Fellow at the Statistical Visual Computing Lab, Electrical and Computer Engineering Department, University of California San Diego with Professor Nuno Vasconcelos.
He finished his Ph.D. at the Department of Computer Science of the University of Toronto under the supervision of Professor Allan Jepson in 2004.
ALESSIO DEL BUE is currently a Senior PostDoc researcher at the facility of Computer Imaging of the Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia in Genova, Italy. Before that he was a researcher in the Institute for Systems and Robotics at the Instituto Superior Técnico (IST) in Lisbon, Portugal. Previously, he obtained his Ph.D. in Computer Science under the supervision of Dr. Lourdes Agapito at Queen Mary University of London. His current research is focused on model-free methods for image matching, registration and 3D reconstruction of non-rigid objects from low-resolution video.
RICARDO CABRAL is a doctoral student in the CMU|Portugal ECE PhD Program at Carnegie Mellon University and Instituto Superior Técnico.
He has received his Master's degree in ECE from Instituto Superior Técnico in Lisbon, in 2009. Ricardo's research currently focuses on learning subspaces techniques, particularly when applied to computer vision problems.
SUSANA BRANDÃO is a doctoral student in the CMU|Portugal ECE PhD Program at Carnegie Mellon University and Instituto Superior Técnico, where her main research interest are in Computer Vision.
She has a 5 years graduation in Physics Engineering from Instituto Superior Técnico, in Lisbon. Before starting her PhD, she had brief experience working in the private sector in Space Engineering and Strategic Consulting.
ROSÁRIO SALEMA DE CARVALHO is a researcher at Rede Temática em Estudos de Azulejaria e Cerâmica João Miguel dos Santos Simões [History of Art - Institute of Faculty of Letters from the University of Lisbon] since October 2007, and coordinates the projects related to tile studies and inventory, in collaboration with Museu Nacional do Azulejo.
She has been doing research on heritage, especially in the area of Portuguese tiles, and wrote several books and articles. Her PhD dissertation in Art History, was dedicated to one of the most significant periods of the history of Portuguese tiles, including the so called Masters’ Cycle (1675-1725).
JOÃO PEDRO MONTEIRO received the Licenciatura degree in History and is working with the Museu Nacional do Azulejo since 1988, being responsible for the Investigation Department.
He has been comissioning several exhibitions of the Museu Nacional do Azulejo and publishing articles about tiles and Portuguese ceramics in catalogs and magazines of the kind, in Portugal and abroad.
DUARTE LÁZARO graduated in History from Universidade Autónoma de Lisboa in 2005, being Art History the center of his study.
Since 2001 he began to work with several museums such as Museu Nacional de Arqueologia, Casa-Museu Dr. Anastácio Gonçalves and Museu do Oriente.
Early in his age, dedicated to design and illustration, taking several formations in drawing and image software and tools.
DAVID LOWE is a professor in the Computer Science Department of the University of British Columbia and a member of the Laboratory for Computational Intelligence.
His also a Fellow of the Canadian Institute for Advanced Research.
Research interests include computer vision, object recognition, and computational models of human vision.
MANUELA VELOSO is a leader in artificial intelligence and multi-robot systems.
She is president of the International RoboCup Federation, which sponsors international competitions in robot soccer as a spur for research into teaching robots how to work together to accomplish goals. The RoboCup goal is to field a team capable of beating the human world champions by 2050.
She is the 2009 recipient of Autonomous Agents Research Award from the Association for Computing Machinery’s Special Interest Group on Artificial Intelligence for her pioneering work on developing teams of robots.
Her latest robot, CoBot, is a companion robot that guides visitors, providing a tool for exploring symbiotic human-robot interaction. CoBot and the humans it guides will help each other, complementing each other’s strengths and weaknesses.
HANS BRANDHORST studied Art History and History at Leiden University, where he graduated in 1982. After graduation he worked on the theory and practice of systematic iconographic cataloguing in various fields, including medieval manuscripts, printer's devices and emblem books.
Ever since 1985 he has used the Iconclass system for the purpose of computer-assisted subject indexing, and from the late 1980s onwards he has been involved in the development of the computerized Iconclass system itself.
Those activities - computer-assisted cataloguing with a focus on subject access, and the development of online tools to do so - are still his main research topics.
With his colleague and technical partner Etienne Posthumus he develops, edits and maintains two websites: that of the classification system for cultural content 'Iconclass' and the aggregator website 'Arkyves' where objects are gathered that have been indexed with the help of Iconclass